Sunday, June 2, 2019

Sleeping Disorders Essay -- essays research papers

Sleeping Disorders     I am going to start by telling you what a sleeping unhealthiness is. Asleeping disorder is a problem that affects something to do with sleep. Not allsleeping disorders have symptoms that ar obvious to a person or their familyand friends, here argon some common sleep disorders.- Insomnia - Sleep Apnea - Narcolepsy - Restless Leg Syndrome - Parasomnia- Bruxism - Jet Lag - Shift earn     I will be discussing the sleeping disorders listed above and whatsymptoms they fuel cause.     Insomnia is a chronic sleeping disorder in which it is very difficult tostart and continue sleeping. whiz of the other symptoms of insomnia that is mostrecognized is waking up repeatedly in the middle of the night. Lack of sleepleads to two other things, daytime fatigue and restlessness. These are bad onthe job and at school while doing tests or other important work.     The amount of sleep that each per son needs to tone of voice alert during the dayvaries. If you have a night of sleep which is much less than the amount ofsleep you need, then you will more than likely timber quite sleepy the next day.Thirty- third percent of adults in America have a case of insomnia at least oncein their life. about cases only last one or two nights, but insomnia cancontinue for weeks or possibly even months.     There have only been three standard types of insomnia that have beenidentified by doctors. They are as follows- Transient insomnia is considered a few sleepless nights that is usuallybrought on by stress, excitement, or environmental changes. A person could havetrouble sleeping the evening before a big meeting or shortly after a insularism ora fight with his girlfriend. - Short-term insomnia is usually two or threeweeks of slimy sleep caused by continual stress at work or at home, as well asmedical and psychiatric illnesses. Eliminating the source of the stress usu allytakes care of the irregular sleep patterns - Chronic insomnia is consideredpoor sleep that lasts two weeks or longer. It can possibly be related tomedical, behavioral, or psychiatric problems. Usually poor sleep leads todecreased feelings of well-being. Chronic insomnia can usually recur.     If difficulty sleeping was the only problem with i... ...h other sleepdisorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea and sleep terrors.Sleep Eating     The causes of sleep-related eat are many. Most of them arise from abackground of more conventional sleepwalking. In some cases, the sleep-relatedeating was brought on by medications prescribed for depression or insomnia. Itmay be a display of other sleep disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea orperiodic limb movements. The "sleep-related eating disorder" has only recentlybeen described. Common concerns about this disorder are excessive weight gain,choking while eating, potential injury from s tarting fires while preparation orcutting oneself while preparing food, and sleep disruption. Approximately two-thirds of those afflicted with this disorder are women and the symptomstypically begin in the late 20s. The overwhelming majority do not suffer from awaking eating disorder.     Sleeping disorders can be very weird, I did not know that until I wrotethis paper. I was not aware that people could eat in their sleep, I thoughtthat only happened in TV I have learned a great dole out from this paper and I hopeyou did also.

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